A Worrier Can Become a Warrior.

  Anxiety and Blood Sugar   I see and treat many patients with anxiety and mood issues in my practice. One of the most common issues I encounter with my patients who have anxiety is that they tend to fall into a vicious pattern of letting their blood sugar...

Allergic Or Intolerant?

I HAVE FOOD ALLERGIES! I hate to burst your bubble, but you probably don’t. I see so many patients who come through the door with a list of “food allergies.” These are often based on a person’s report of symptoms or past bloodwork from another naturopath or other...

Take Acid!

TAKE ACID! I challenge anyone and everyone to take acid!! Hydrochloric acid, that is- read on for more information than you ever thought existed about this amazing stomach acid. I often find myself going through phases of using one particular form of treatment on many...


Fat. Not good fats versus bad fats. Not artery-clogging fat. I’m talking about the shameful kind of fat- the kind on the outside. The kind many people don’t want, feel ashamed to not want, and go back and forth between the two. We feel badly about having it, and we...
Naturopathic Clinic