Integrative Wellness Program

Integrative Wellness Program: Beginning on March 1, 2025 All of Dr. Riley’s Insurance Patients will be required to sign up for this program.

This shift in primary care allows us to provide continued individualized care at an incredible value while still using your insurance benefits. Personalized, integrative appointments, communication and support are just the beginning.

To continue offering the high-quality personalized care you expect, and to cover operating costs that cannot be reimbursed by insurance, Dr. Riley is implementing a $49 monthly Integrative Wellness Program fee for all insurance patients. This is a hybrid-concierge model of practice. This monthly fee will give you continued access to the high quality of individualized care to which you are accustomed, and will include some added benefits not previously available. It will allow Dr. Riley to open up more appointment times, and it will cover the costs of the many non-billable services our clinic provides.  It will allow Dr. Riley to dedicate more time and resources to your health. This program will be required for all insurance patients and will take effect March 1, 2025.


Dr. Riley has hesitated switching  to a cash-based model of practice because she knows this would limit access to optimal Integrative Primary Care for many patients. She has watched many wonderful, small, independently-owned medical clinics close or be purchased by larger conglomerates over the last five years- amounting to a huge loss for patients. She remains committed to contracting with most insurance companies because she wants Naturopathic Primary Care to be widely accessible, and does not feel this should be a luxury. 
In today’s healthcare system, however, personalized care like the kind Dr, Riley provides is undervalued and unreimbursed by insurance. Services such as lifestyle and dietary advice and optimization, counseling, individualized/whole person treatment plans, assistance with billing and insurance questions, and email communication—all essential components of your health journey—are not covered by insurance plans. This has contributed to burnout for many Primary Care Providers, and is evident in the lack of available appointments for all types of medical care. The cost of overhead for medical practice has risen drastically, while our reimbursement rates have remained relatively unchanged. This creates challenges for maintaining the level of care you deserve, and the level of care that Dr. Riley wants to provide.


What is included?
Comprehensive, integrative naturopathic appointments with Dr. Riley remains her foundation of care. These appointments will continue to provide care on a deeper level to address your concerns, and to develop a treatment program that may include the following: testing that is specific to your needs, personalized nutrition including conventional and natural remedies, education about your existing health conditions and preventable health conditions (these are often non-billable discussions), referrals to other providers or specialists to provide additional information, review of your past testing and health history, and so much more
Additional Benefits
  • One Free B12 injection per month (a $35 value)

  • 15% discount on first supplement order on Fullscript

  • 10% discount on supplement order via Fullscript ongoing

  • Free Supplement shipping over $60 from our storefront

  • Scheduling and records management and support

  • Monthly newsletter for subscribers of this program only including up-to-date information specific to Integrative Healthcare

Which practitioners are Included In This Program?

This Integrative Wellness Program will only be applied to returning patients of Dr. Riley. Dr. Wood will not be included in the Integrative Care Plan.

What if this is my first visit at the Naturopathic Clinic of Issaquah?

New patients who see Dr. Riley are not asked to sign up for this program. Once patients return for their follow up visits, they should enroll in this program.

Who should sign up for this program?

Insurance patients of Dr. Riley- patients who currently see Dr. Riley- should sign up for this program. 

What if I only see Dr. Riley once yearly?

Should you feel that you do not see your physician more than once yearly, you have the option to pay a per-visit fee in place of a monthly membership. This fee is $65 per visit.

What if multiple members of my family are seen by Dr. Riley?

If multiple members of your family see Dr Riley and are all adults, they are each required to add the Program. If they are under the age of 18, please discuss this with Dr. Riley on an individual basis.

What if I can’t afford this program?

Should you feel that this Program is a strain on your finances, not to worry, we have scholarships available. Please email Dr. Riley directly to discuss this or call the office at 425-391-1080.

What if I already pay cash for my visits?

If you are not seeing Dr. Riley using your insurance benefits, you do not need to enroll in this program.

When does this start?

This program will take effect on March 1st, 2025. You can either respond to this email or call the office at 425-391-1080 to enroll.

Serving the Seattle and Issaquah Areas for Over 15 Years

The Naturopathic Clinic of Issaquah has been serving the residents of Seattle and the Eastside for over ten years. We are committed to helping our patients achieve their healthcare goals, and we do so using all of the tools available to us.

Patients and customers can receive an email linking them to direct online stores as well as being able to shop in person on Front Street.

Book An Appointment

If you are interested in seeing the difference in your life by discussing naturopathy treatments, one of our doctors would be happy to discuss treatments and options right for you

Naturopathic Clinic