I bet you thought there would be a pill for this. A natural product, perhaps? Just take one per day and you will look ripped and have an automatic spray tan? I think you know by now that I am not the person who is going to sell you that. Anyone who tries...
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Breast Cancer Prevention
Breast Cancer Prevention is Just a Healthy Lifestyle... The longer I practice medicine, the more often I return to the basics. Regardless of a patient’s diagnosis, the foundations of health are always going to help someone feel better. Sleep, healthy food, moderate...
Do All Women Have Too Many Periods? What Your Iron Stores Might Tell you…
Have you ever wondered why “spinster aunts” in books and movies are always portrayed as either napping, irritable or both? I think of Aunt May from Little Women- always critical, irritated, and nodding off. (By the way this sums up my daily mood in lockdown...
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FB Live Recording- Hormone Happy Hour!
My first FB Live from April 2020, including a hormonal cycle overview and troubleshooting of basic changes as women approach menopause. https://www.facebook.com/108585415880716/videos/258774155280340/
Are You a Horse or a Zebra?
I have always been a slightly unconventional thinker. It doesn’t always serve me, and there are times when I have lost sleep recounting something I have said that might have offended, or an opinion I might have stated too strongly.This way of thinking does serve me,...
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Your Body On Sugar aka The Blood Sugar Balancing Act
There is something that all disease states have in common, and it is not only the feeling that our bodies are completely screwing us over. Regardless of the medical symptom or condition, EVERYTHING is worse when our blood sugar is imbalanced. I don’t care who you are,...
Why Does Exercise Help with Digestion?
Today I had a patient with gastritis (irritated stomach lining) and acid reflux (heartburn) who came to me on an antacid medication that was no longer working for her. My first question for her was: what do you do for stress relief? Like many other people who are...
Fiber- I’m Bound to Tell You All About It
It is a running joke in my family that I talk about poop too much. Though I spend half of my waking hours asking my two kids to stop talking about their butts, and to put their penises back into their pants, I secretly have the sense of humor of an 11-year-old boy....